REWATECH enabler4BIZ Demo-System   

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Welcome to the Demo System enabler4BIZ


The enabler4BIZ Management System depicts the full process logic of your company based on your company-specific process depiction. With a continuous approval process, documents are published in the system and assigned to the respective processes. On the basis of comprehensive Task Management, suggestions for improvement are centrally managed and distributed via the system in a regular manner.

Experience the Management System of  Rewatech as a new employee!

To test the system, please sign in via the input fields on the left side of the window. If you do not yet have an account, you can request it at no obligation.
To do so, click on  "Register demo system" (your personal data is kept confidential).

The examples primarily serve as a demonstration of the software enabler4BIZ and are not comprehensive, full-fledged versions. Please note that the test data entered by you in the demo system can be viewed by other test users as well.


Further information for the enabler4BIZ as well as further products and services can be found on our website under


For questions regarding the current enabler4BIZ Version 4.3, the team of Logic4BIZ is available at your disposal:


Zur deutschen Version  To the English version

Logic4BIZ News
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